{ "RunContainer": false, "OutputFolder": "D:\\GitHub\\MpsAgent\\LocalMultiplayerAgent\\OutputFolder", "NumHeartBeatsForActivateResponse": 10, "NumHeartBeatsForTerminateResponse": 60, "AgentListeningPort": 56001, "AssetDetails": [ { "MountPath": "C:\\Assets", "LocalFilePath": "D:\\SVR_PackagedBuilds\\3.7.2022\\WindowsServer\\Doitforthelove2ServerV3.0.0.2.zip" } ], "DeploymentMetadata": { "Environment": "LOCAL", "FeaturesEnabled": "List,Of,Features,Enabled" }, "GameCertificateDetails": [], "PortMappingsList": [ [ { "NodePort": 30000, "GamePort": { "Name": "UnrealServerGsdkHostPort", "Number": 8888, "Protocol": "UDP" } } ] ], "ProcessStartParameters": { /* Can be one of two choices: 1. Any absolute path to an exe for your game server (even development game server), plus any command line parameters for your server - This choice will ignore the contents of the zip file, and instead execute any arbitrary exe in any location - This is a local debug option that only works on your local machine to debug development builds: It does not help you verify your zip file is ready to upload to MPS - This choice should be used when testing a development server, suitable for attaching a VS debugger - For this example, this could be: {depot}\\ThirdPersonMP\\Binaries\\Win64\\ThirdPersonMPServer.exe -log - For the author, this is: M:\\depot\\GSDK\\ThirdPersonMPGSDK\\Binaries\\Win64\\ThirdPersonMPServer.exe -log - For Jacob, this is: D:\\SVR_PackagedBuilds\\2.28.2022\\WindowsServer\\SS3\\Binaries\\Win64\\Doitforthelove2Server.exe -log 2. A relative path, which should indicate the relative path into your zip file, to run your server - This is the standard workflow that mirrors how it works on a MPS cloud instance - This choice should be used when testing a shipping server, and helps verify your zip is ready to upload to MPS - For this example, this could be: ThirdPersonMPServer.exe -log */ // 1: //"StartGameCommand": "D:\\SVR_PackagedBuilds\\2.28.2022\\WindowsServer\\SS3\\Binaries\\Win64\\Doitforthelove2Server.exe -log" // 2: "StartGameCommand": "Doitforthelove2Server.exe -log" }, "ContainerStartParameters": { "StartGameCommand": "C:\\Assets\\Doitforthelove2Server.exe -log", "ResourceLimits": { "Cpus": 0, "MemoryGib": 0 }, "ImageDetails": { "Registry": "mcr.microsoft.com", "ImageName": "playfab/multiplayer", "ImageTag": "wsc-10.0.17763.973.1", "Username": "", "Password": "" } }, "SessionConfig": { "SessionId": "d113dfeb-6f29-408b-ada1-67b186b982c3", "SessionCookie": null, "InitialPlayers": [ "" ] }, "TitleId": "35338", "BuildId": "d113dfeb-6f29-408b-ada1-67b186b982cd", "Region": "EastUs" }