
gabriel-1 avatar image
gabriel-1 asked

Trouble creating Lobby / How to create Lobby using Blueprint?

I'm still trying to figure out how to use PlayFab features, but the documentation is too complicated and not much 'blueprint-users-friendly' for Unreal users and there isn't much content online about it yet. :/

I've managed so far to create Login/authenticate the player through blueprint and its working perfectly. Since this lobby feature seems to be new, I couldn't find any data of how to actually create them through blueprint. I found only one blueprint example here but it seems to be missing stuff because everytime I run through a different error message.

So far this is what I got but is not working:

The 'lobby data' and 'search data' was previously feed with variables that I've made, but it was causing the engine to crash everytime. I removed it and it has stopped crashing. More recently I'm getting 'members missing' error / lobbyBadRequest (13007)

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Neils Shi avatar image
Neils Shi answered

Thanks for answering me. I did exactly what you did, but I'm getting "Caller is not present in members" error... any thoughts about that? And do I need to Join (as host) the lobby after creating? Or the creator is automatically on the Lobby once created?

Please note that the Lobby creator must be the member of the Lobby, otherwise, the error "Caller is not present in members" will occur. You should manually add lobby creator to the Member when you create the lobby. In my blueprint, I add "Lobby Owner" to the Members, and you should complete the field which I removed(Entity Id and Game Title Id).

Also, do I need to create a ticket in order to create a lobby? I just want a lobby for people gather together (friends) and then start searching together a match.

You don't need to create a ticket in order to create a lobby. If you want a lobby for people gather and then matchmaking together, you can refer to Use Lobby and Matchmaking Together.

I've seen some tutorials over matchmaking, so I guess eventually I'll figure that out better, but when it comes to Lobby, haven't found nothing yet (blueprint related).

Currently, PlayFab does not have a blueprint document related to the lobby. Since there is not much difference in lobby workflow between using code and using blueprint, you can test the API with Postman first to know the correct request, then implement it in the Blueprint.

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gabriel-1 avatar image gabriel-1 commented ·

I'm lost. The lobby creator (Lobby Owner) must be included on the array of members? I've tried to set "owner" to "LobbyOwner" and Member as "LobbyOwner", I've tried the opposite, I've tried both. Each combination gave me different error but none of them worked for me... This is my blueprint for the lobby part (the login I did early and connects successfully to PlayFab as it should). I'm doing exactly like your example bp, but still gives me "Caller not included". What am I doing wrong? :/

Once again, thank you for your time to answer me

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Neils Shi avatar image Neils Shi gabriel-1 commented ·

Yes, the lobby creator (Lobby Owner) must be included on the array of members. After my tested, it looks like you're confusing PlayFabId with EntityId. After you successfully call the login API, you can get PlayFabId and EntityId from response as shown below. You should set right EntityID instead of PlayFabId.

      "PlayFabId": "xxxxxxxxxxx",
      "Entity": {
                "Id": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
                "Type": "title_player_account",
                "TypeString": "title_player_account"


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gabriel-1 avatar image gabriel-1 Neils Shi commented ·

Thanks! You're right, I was using PlayFabId instead of EntityId on string value. Now its working perfectly, thank you!

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Neils Shi avatar image
Neils Shi answered

The error message "'members missing' error" means you didn't set the correct Members, you can refer to my testing blueprint. Also, you can refer to CreateLobby, which has the definition of each parameter.

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gabriel-1 avatar image gabriel-1 commented ·

Thanks for answering me. I did exactly what you did, but I'm getting "Caller is not present in members" error... any thoughts about that?

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gabriel-1 avatar image gabriel-1 gabriel-1 commented ·

Also, do I need to create a ticket in order to create a lobby? And do I need to Join (as host) the lobby after creating? Or the creator is automatically on the Lobby once created?

I just want a lobby for people gather together (friends) and then start searching together a match.

I've seen some tutorials over matchmaking, so I guess eventually I'll figure that out better, but when it comes to Lobby, haven't found nothing yet (blueprint related).

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