
maximelaffaire avatar image
maximelaffaire asked

server AddFriend function problem


I am currently implementing a friends list system that requires both of the players to invite each other as friend. I'm using the user data for that, stocking the PlayFabID of player A into user data of player B, and when player B checks his friends request I look into his user data to see that player A sent an invitation.

That part is working well, but I have a problem with the addFriend function : on cloudscript, when I call server.addFriend(playerA, playerB) it works but then I call server.addFriend(playerB, playerA) and it throws an "UsersAlreadyFriends" error.

Is that behaviour normal or is it a bug ? I'm not really sure because the API doc says that addFriend "Adds the Friend user to the friendlist of the user with PlayFabId.", so it supposes to add a friend in only one way.

Sorry if you already reply to that problem, I didn't find anything about it.

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maximelaffaire avatar image
maximelaffaire answered

My bad, I actually was removing player B from player A's friend list but not player A from player B's friend list ... So it was normal that Playfab was throwing that error ...

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