
bernardd avatar image
bernardd asked

Leaderboard positions

Hello everyone,

In my team we are looking at the leaderboard limitations.
We would need to be sure that retrieving players from a specific position to another always give us the same set of players (with the assumption that the players's statistic values is correctly ordered).

But looking at some old forum posts, for example this:

It seems that the list of players returned is "approximative".

So does Getleaderboard() and GetLeaderboardAroundPlayer() will return the same set of players or we need to expect that the list returned is approximative ?

Does using GetLeaderboardAroundPlayer() to get the player's position could give a different result, even if the leaderboard didn't change ? this post:

Seem to indicate that the position is not reliable.

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Seth Du avatar image
Seth Du answered

Only the first 1000 players' ranks are not estimated, and it is important for those top players' ranks to be accurate. In many games on the market, developers tend to distribute rewards based on their rank percentage range, for example, 10%-15%, 16%-30%, etc., and in this scenario, the accurate position is not required.

Take an example of PlayFab estimation algorithm, player A's statistic value is 10001, while player B is 10002. When they get themselves ranks, Player A might be in a slightly higher position than player B even A's value is less than B. Calling GetLeaderboardAroundPlayer() API to get other player's position may not be consistent to the caller's leaderboard. But this inaccuracy of position is less than 1%.

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bernardd avatar image
bernardd answered

Thank you for your fast answer @SethDu !

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