
Matt Davis avatar image
Matt Davis asked

Play Fab Party Error Type: Error Code: 61 Message

I am running PlayFab party in Unity and am receiving the following error message. Please advise.

Play Fab Party Error Type: Error Code: 61 Message: The error code is not valid or is an internal error. Please contact Microsoft for further diagnosis.
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
BC.Components.PF.PlayFabManager:Manager_OnError (object,PlayFab.Party.PlayFabMultiplayerManagerErrorArgs) (at Assets/Components/PF/PlayFabManager.cs:121)
PlayFab.Party.PlayFabMultiplayerManager:_LogError (uint,PlayFab.Party.PlayFabMultiplayerManagerErrorType) (at Assets/PlayFabPartySDK/Source/Scripts/PartyUnitySDK/PlayFabMultiplayerManager.cs:581)
PlayFab.Party.PlayFabMultiplayerManager:_LogError (uint) (at Assets/PlayFabPartySDK/Source/Scripts/PartyUnitySDK/PlayFabMultiplayerManager.cs:562)
PlayFab.Party.PlayFabMultiplayerManager:PartySucceeded (uint) (at Assets/PlayFabPartySDK/Source/Scripts/PartyUnitySDK/PlayFabMultiplayerManager.cs:1809)
PlayFab.Party.PlayFabMultiplayerManager:_SendDataMessage (byte[],System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<PlayFab.Party.PlayFabPlayer>,PlayFab.Party.DeliveryOption) (at Assets/PlayFabPartySDK/Source/Scripts/PartyUnitySDK/PlayFabMultiplayerManager.cs:1385)
PlayFab.Party.PlayFabMultiplayerManager:SendDataMessage (byte[],System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<PlayFab.Party.PlayFabPlayer>,PlayFab.Party.DeliveryOption) (at Assets/PlayFabPartySDK/Source/Scripts/PartyUnitySDK/PlayFabMultiplayerManager.cs:499)
BC.Components.GamePlay.Multiplayer.PlayFabNetworkTransport:Send (ulong,System.ArraySegment`1<byte>,Unity.Netcode.NetworkDelivery) (at Assets/Components/GamePlay/Multiplayer/PlayFabNetworkTransport.cs:123)
Unity.Netcode.NetworkManager/NetworkManagerMessageSender:Send (ulong,Unity.Netcode.NetworkDelivery,Unity.Netcode.FastBufferWriter) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects@1.0.0-pre.3/Runtime/Core/NetworkManager.cs:154)
Unity.Netcode.MessagingSystem:ProcessSendQueues () (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects@1.0.0-pre.3/Runtime/Messaging/MessagingSystem.cs:463)
Unity.Netcode.NetworkManager:OnNetworkPostLateUpdate () (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects@1.0.0-pre.3/Runtime/Core/NetworkManager.cs:1186)
Unity.Netcode.NetworkManager:NetworkUpdate (Unity.Netcode.NetworkUpdateStage) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects@1.0.0-pre.3/Runtime/Core/NetworkManager.cs:1131)
Unity.Netcode.NetworkUpdateLoop:RunNetworkUpdateStage (Unity.Netcode.NetworkUpdateStage) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects@1.0.0-pre.3/Runtime/Core/NetworkUpdateLoop.cs:149)
Unity.Netcode.NetworkUpdateLoop/NetworkPostLateUpdate/<>c:<CreateLoopSystem>b__0_0 () (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects@1.0.0-pre.3/Runtime/Core/NetworkUpdateLoop.cs:232)

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Gosen Gao avatar image Gosen Gao commented ·

May I know what SDK and platform you are using?

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jelling avatar image jelling commented ·

I'm having the same issue on Windows 10 and 11 using the PlayFab Party SDK for Unity. In my case, one client sends data to the other ~30x per second and this works fine for the first minute or so and then the errors start happening.

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jelling avatar image jelling commented ·

Fwiw we modified our code to send messages half as often and the errors don't start for roughly twice as long. Separately, we changed the code to pass pointers to SendDataMessage() and the issue still happens, although possibly later. Maybe there's a memory leak?

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jelling avatar image jelling commented ·

@Matt-Davis were you able to get past this?

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Rob Caplan avatar image Rob Caplan ♦ commented ·

@jelling , I converted your followup questions to comments and asked somebody to look into this. When you post a question as an answer it doesn't look like you were answering Matt not asking your own question that wants a response. In future you may want to post your own thread rather than tacking onto an old one that may not be the same issue. Similar symptoms may not be the same source, especially if you're on a different platform or version than the original.

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1 Answer

Matt Davis avatar image
Matt Davis answered

Sorry for the late response here. Thread notifications were going to junk. I am no longer having this issue. Long story short, I wrote a custom playfab party networktransport for the new Unity Netcode solution. I was just simply passing the underlying byte[] for the given ArraySegment in the Send method. It turns out, that underlying array is allocated to almost 15kb every single call. Massive amounts of data was being sent. I refactored to only send the relevant data (Offset to Offset + Count) on the ArraySegment and significantly less data was sent. Haven't had the problem since.

@Gosen Gao


Sorry. Thread notifications where going to the junk folder for some reason. I had created a playfab party transport for the new unity netcode solution. I didn't realize it initially, but the NetworkTransport Send virtual method provides ArraySegment<byte> as the send data. I was just passing along the Array property to PlayFab Party. It turns out, the underlying byte[] of the ArraySegment was allocated to a very large size...about 15kb if I recall. So this ended up with a massive amount of data getting sent. Once I discovered this in the network profiler, I refactored the code to only send the correct data from the ArraySegment (Offset to Count). This resulted in a huge decrease in data being sent and I have not experienced this issue anymore.

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