
beckheng avatar image
beckheng asked

I feel that the sound is sometimes sent, it is a problem with the sender or the receiver?

We are testing using Playfab Party to send voice with Unity Party SDK

Development environment

Unity 2019.4.28f1

Windows 7

Export to Android: APK (2 Devices)

Our test progress in 2 networks

who join Playfab Party

Unity Editor, (M1)

Android Device (m2)

Android Device 2 (M3)

The problem in our testing process is:

The first party network they join and send voice to each other is fine.

M1 -> m2, m3

M2 -> m1, m3

M3 -> m1, m2

after first network end. call LeaveNetwork. And then create new network a few seconds later.

They join again, but someone could not hear another. likes:

M1 -> m2

M2-> m1

M3 -> m1, m2

In short, someone will could not hear another.

we set isMuted=false for all. Do you think it also the issue under Win7?

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Seth Du avatar image Seth Du ♦ commented ·

May I ask what is the version of Party SDK?

I have tried to reproduce this issue on Windows 10, but there is no reproduction. Currently we don't have and won't be able to implement Windows 7 testing environment.

Please also feel free to consult Xbox community or your Microsoft representative if you are verified Xbox developer.

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