
martinbendabendak avatar image
martinbendabendak asked

Display names are not unique, they're duplicatable from Unity.

I'm having a problem with display names. I can duplicate them from Unity and sometimes from PlayFab dashboard too. The non-unique display names is not set in title settings.

The code in Unity:

            if(displayName.Length > 21)
                displayName = displayName.Substring(0, 21);
new UpdateUserTitleDisplayNameRequest { DisplayName = displayName }, 
Success, OnError);
            void Success(UpdateUserTitleDisplayNameResult result)
                Debug.Log("Display name updated");
bez-nazvu-1.jpg (27.7 KiB)
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Rick Chen avatar image Rick Chen ♦ commented ·

It could be the 'ZERO WIDTH SPACE' issue in Unity, please refer to this thread: Could you please check if that is the case? Otherwise please provide your title id and the PlayFabId of both the players with the same display name for us to diagnose.

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1 Answer

martinbendabendak avatar image
martinbendabendak answered

Ok, so i found the solution (I hope). The problem was that the first testing account was named from PlayFab dashboard and the second one was named from Unity. Now when I create two accounts from Unity and change their names from Unity it's actually working. One more thing when one of the account name was changed from script string and another was changed from TextMashPro input they cloud be same too so both of them must be changed only from TextMeshPro input or only from script string.

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