
Carlos Meson avatar image
Carlos Meson asked

Cognitive services - Regional resources not provisioned for the region.


I am having problems trying to use cognitive services features. It seems that accessible chat features use regional resources (based on QoS measurements), but regional resources are not provisioned for some regions (like "WestEurope"), is there any way to blacklist or configure these regions? or at least, manually set the region for cognitive services?

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Carlos Meson avatar image Carlos Meson commented ·

Limiting the region list at "CreateNewNetwork" doesn't work, as "WestEurope" is being selected regardless filteredRegionList:

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Ivan Cai avatar image Ivan Cai ♦ Carlos Meson commented ·

As you said, regional resources are not provisioned for some regions (like "WestEurope"). Can you tell me the specific behavior and provide some reproduce steps?

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Carlos Meson avatar image Carlos Meson Ivan Cai ♦ commented ·

The thing is that, within the same play session, when calling functions like "SynthesizeTextToSpeech", the API call to "GetCognitiveServicesToken" may use a different region, based of QoS measurements, so that means that, whenever a region like "NorthEurope" is selected, "SynthesizeTextToSpeech" will work, but if the QoS measurement selected "WestEurope", it won't work.

This one worked:

But this one didn't:

So that is why I would like to know if it is possible to assign the regional resources manually to "WestEurope" by PlayFab/Azure configuration, or if it is possible to blacklisting "WestEurope" as an eligible region for CS QoS measurements.

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cs-ok.jpg (111.7 KiB)
cs-fail.jpg (113.9 KiB)

1 Answer

Ivan Cai avatar image
Ivan Cai answered

I test to call GetCognitiveServicesToken to get all Regions' tokens in my title, and finally get every token successfully. Do you have access to support tickets? If so, please create one so that one of our engineers can work closely with you checking your title.

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