
paulwulff-1 avatar image
paulwulff-1 asked

iOS Purchase Validation - prevent validation of previous purchases


we ran into a problem with validating iOS receipts via PlayFab. The specific issue appears to be that an App Store receipt contains not only the most recent purchase of a user, but all of their purchases.

Therefore, when attempting to validate a new purchase with PlayFab, we actually try to validate all of a user's purchases. This causes errors if old items have since been deleted from the PlayFab catalogue.

The workaround is simple enough: Don't ever delete any catalogue items from PlayFab that are purchasable with real money. But considering we are constantly adding new bundles to our store, this will surely lead to a lot of bloat over time.

So, ideally we would like to only validate the most recent purchase, so we can keep deleting outdated products from our PlayFab catalogue.

Here are some related questions I found with other PlayFab users experiencing similar issues:

Apple's doc itself says: "Consumable in-app purchases remain in the receipt until you call finishTransaction(_:). Maintain and manage records of consumables on a server if needed. Non-consumables, auto-renewing subscription items, and non-renewing subscription items remain in the receipt indefinitely."

And finally, we are using Unity IAP to obtain the initial App Store receipt.

Is this something that has to be fixed on PlayFab's side, can we do something about it, or is this not doable at all?

Thanks for your help!

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1 Answer

Seth Du avatar image
Seth Du answered

I believe the current implementation of purchase system will check all items including those missing items and return the error you have mentioned. The limit of catalog item quantity is 3000, which is enough in many scenarios.

I will dig into it and discuss with the team. While, if possible, you may remain the ID of bundles and modify the Display Name and contained items inside when the change is required.

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