
Carl Winder avatar image
Carl Winder asked

PlayFab Party Events

Is there an event fired through PlayStream or something else, which gets called when someone disconnects from a PlayFab Party Network?

If I create a Party Network and then disconnect from it by either leaving the network or my internet goes down. What happens to that network if I'm the only one connected to it?

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Rick Chen avatar image Rick Chen ♦ commented ·

Would you use the PlayStream event or the program event to notify someone who is disconnected from PlayFab Party Network?

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Carl Winder avatar image Carl Winder commented ·

I was investigating if it was possible to create a lobby system using groups. So the disconnect event would be used for someone hosting a lobby and if they disconnect then the group would be deleted.

However, I'm thinking something like Photon would probably be the best course of action.

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1 Answer

Rick Chen avatar image
Rick Chen answered

When a player disconnects from party, some telemetry events will be generated and you can find them in the Event history. However, these events are not the same as PlayStream events and could not be used to trigger any action, such as deleting group. To delete the group, you could use DeleteGroup API on client side for the host when he is trying to disconnect the Party.

>> What happens to that network if I'm the only one connected to it?

If the last player leaves the Party network, the network will not exist.

Yes, Photon could be used as the Lobby system for your game, you can refer to: and Photon's documents for more details.

The groups can serve as a collection of players but may not have communication feature itself, you can combine it with Party to serve as the lobby system.

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