
saof20122003 avatar image
saof20122003 asked

Timed out connection with eos netdriver unreal engine

Hi, After joining a match through the queue matchmaking system I'm getting a timed out connection :

LogNet: Warning: UNetConnection::Tick: Connection TIMED OUT. Closing connection.. Elapsed: 60.11, Real: 60.01, Good: 60.01, DriverTime: 61.44, Threshold: 60.00, [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr:, Name: IpConnection_2147482344, Driver: GameNetDriver NetDriverEOS_2147482345, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: NULL, UniqueId: INVALID

sdksunrealmultiplayerCustom Game ServersMatchmaking
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1 Answer

Xiao Zha avatar image
Xiao Zha answered

According to the log information you provided, it seems that you are unable to connect to PlayFab's MPS using the IP and port, and you have successfully deployed the server build and obtained the server IP and port.

You may refer to to connect to VM to debug your server build directly and use Wireshark on client to check if the connection request sends to server normally. Also, there could be a problem with the communication between the client and server that you implemented yourself using the network library (in your case, it seems to be Unreal EOS). In this case, you may need to seek professional help from the Unreal support team.

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