
Tom avatar image
Tom asked

Matchmaking and changing scenes

I was looking at and i encountered synchronization problems as soon as i wanted to move from the menu scene to game scene after matchmaking was found. I was looking around and saw that there were a lot of questions about this issue. Could you add a simple sample of moving to game scene after matchmaking? There are so many answers out there - ServerChangeScene which causes player to be NotReady and other issues so please give us your best practice

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1 Answer

Neils Shi avatar image
Neils Shi answered

Could you tell us more details about the “synchronization problems”? Typically, if you have hosted the server to PlayFab and enabled the server allocation ( for the matchmaking queue, then after the matchmaking is complete, player can call API GetMatch ( directly to get the server's IP and port. After that, then you can load the game scene and connect to the server via IP and port info. As for how to change scenes, the implementation of different game engines is different, and you need to consult the professional support of the corresponding engine.

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