
adamkirkland avatar image
adamkirkland asked

Frequent timeouts, mostly on Xbox, across several titles

For about 3 months now, we've been observing flurries of timeouts on various PlayFab calls, almost always on Xbox (in the form of ERROR_WINHTTP_TIMEOUT 12002 errors). This usually happens on the login call, but that could just be because that's the first PlayFab call we make in a session. Playstation and Steam seem to be largely unaffected.

This started happening on various titles, including one that has already been released for almost a year, which makes it seem like a PlayFab infrastructure issue. It's most prevalent in a title currently in development, with no live users using the xbox login pathway, so it seems unlikely to be an issue with the load from a particular one of our games. However, the problem does come and go - sometimes it barely happens, and sometimes it happens more often than not.

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1 Answer

Xiao Zha avatar image
Xiao Zha answered

Sorry for the inconvenience. And based on your description, it seems that the main timeout issue is on Xbox, and due to the non-disclosure agreement (NDA), questions related to Xbox cannot be discussed in the public forum. Please follow the instructions on Paid Technical Support - PlayFab | Microsoft Docs ( to submit a support ticket so we can connect you with an NDA agent who can help you with your question without violating the NDA.

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