
hebbius avatar image
hebbius asked

Playfab wont load when i start unity

When i ussaly start my unity project some off the playfab iteams wont load. For example i made it so when i give an iteam to someone and when they respawn a block should dissaper or apper but recantly i have to restart my game multiple times for the playfab iteams to load. Its not only for me but my players. and now playfab wont load at all!

Player Inventory
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1 Answer

Xiao Zha avatar image
Xiao Zha answered

May I know how you load playfab items? And does "now playfab won't load at all" mean you can't retrieve items from the player's inventory. If so, in both Economy V1 and V2 I tried granting the item to the player and after granting the item I called the PlayFab API once to get it successfully. Since I can't reproduce your issue, could you provide us with more detailed steps to reproduce it? Also, if I understand incorrectly, please feel free to let me know.

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