
Terry Papamarkou avatar image
Terry Papamarkou asked

virtual currency not recieved by player


I add virtual currency to one of my players through playfab backend, it updates their balance inside of playfab but the player does not recieve it on their ios device. However, when i test this process on myself i do recieve it. Players are successfully loading their currency balance from playfab. Is it because my title is still in development mode?

Player Inventory
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1 Answer

Neils Shi avatar image
Neils Shi answered

Titles in Development mode will not prevent players from receiving virtual currency. For more info about limits on development mode titles, please refer to Development mode - PlayFab | Microsoft Learn ( . We suggest that you may use data explorer ( to query related events to check whether virtual currency is successfully granted to the players. You can refer to the following example query expression:

 | where FullName_Name == 'player_virtual_currency_balance_changed'
 | where Entity_Id == ' the entity id of the player who did not receive virtual currency '
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