
Wonderbelly Games avatar image
Wonderbelly Games asked

Steam platform is no longer collecting scores without any changes. What could have happened?

We've had our game collecting leaderboard scores on several platforms (Steam, Switch, Xbox, and Playstation) with a small community for several years now, but this last week the Steam seems to no longer be gathering scores. The Steam client hasn't actually changed for over a year, and neither has the backend setup.

Has something changed outside of our setup that would have invalidated some part of our previously functioning approach? Switch/Xbox/Playstation are all fine. So seems like its something specific to Steam, but I'm not sure where to start looking frankly.

Thanks for any tips to point me in the direction of a solution!

Leaderboards and Statistics
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1 Answer

Xiao Zha avatar image
Xiao Zha answered

From what you’ve described, it appears that collecting scores on the Steam platform may not be related to PlayFab. If that’s the case, as we are not experts in Steam, you may seek professional assistance from the Steam support team. However, if there’s any misunderstanding on my part, please feel free to correct me.

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Wonderbelly Games avatar image Wonderbelly Games commented ·

Right, it might be a Steam issue, and I'm investigating that separately.

But since we haven't changed anything with Steam nor Playfab for more than a year, and since I'm not seeing any errors on either side, I was wondering if its possible that anything has changed on the Playfab side of the Steam handshake that could possibly be a problem, or with our Playfab account?

It seems that Playfab is still seeing new players show up, as the new player numbers from Steam in the Playfab dashboard match what I'm seeing in the Steam backend, just the scores stopped being gathered for some reason. So Playfab is still getting a connection for some data, its just not successfully recording scores. If nothing has changed on the Playfab side of this equation, or that there's nothing that could cause some sort of throttling based on our Playfab account details or anything, then I'll just keep pursuing it on the Steam side for now.

Thanks for your help!

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Xiao Zha avatar image Xiao Zha Wonderbelly Games commented ·

For players who log in using Steam, PlayFab only uses SteamTicket for authentication and does not involve data collection on the Steam part. May I know how the scores are generated and collected?

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