
Stanislaw Gromadowski avatar image
Stanislaw Gromadowski asked

Old versions of game making API calls

I need help with a problem that I have already asked about earlier in this thread:

A long time ago we had a bug that generated lots of "LoginWithSteam" API Calls. The bug has been fixed and it looks like our code is correct. However, we have noticed that a pirated version of our game can be found on the Internet, which is naturally not updated. So it is possible that these pirated versions are causing the problem. Is it possible to block old versions of the game from connecting to playfab so that only the current version can do so?

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1 Answer

Xiao Zha avatar image
Xiao Zha answered

The PlayFab API is based on the RESTful API, which means players can make API requests via HTTP URLs, and cannot control API calls through the game version. Therefore, PlayFab does not provide features to block API calls from older versions of your game.

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