
Georg Gerstweiler avatar image
Georg Gerstweiler asked

Economy v2 performance of individual items

We are planning to use the Economy v2 to manage our items. Is there a way so see the purchase activities of individual items of the last view months?

In-Game Economy
10 |1200

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1 Answer

Neils Shi avatar image
Neils Shi answered

If you mean you want to see the purchase activity of a specific item in the last few months, then PlayFab Economy v2 currently does not support this feature. As a workaround, you may use Data Explorer ( to query the specific item’s purchase activity, the Data Explorer will store the events for 30 days. For example, if players use API PurchaseInventoryItems to purchase the items, you can use the following example query expression :

 | where FullName_Name == 'items_purchased'
 | where EventData.Payload.ItemId == 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'
 | summarize sum(toint(EventData.Payload.Amount))
10 |1200

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