
petrosg avatar image
petrosg asked

Can players join multiple clans and be members of those clans at the same time?

I want to know if it's possible for players to join multiple clans and be members of those clans at the same time?

Currently it seems that when a player is in a clan and joins another clan, it removes them from the first clan. I want to be able to allow players to be members of multiple clans. Is this possible currently?

apissdksmultiplayergame manager
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1 Answer

Xiao Zha avatar image
Xiao Zha answered

Playfab provides Group feature for you to implement clan function. And it supports one player to join multiple clans at the same time, you may call ListMembership API to check all groups and roles for an entity. Also, you could check groups that player has joined in this page: , please replace the string “title_id” and “master_player_account_id” with your title id and the master_player_account_id.

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