
evcarsolutions avatar image
evcarsolutions asked

1. How to increase the data retention (>30 days) for Playstream Events or Use Blob Storage Parquet Data

  1. All the answers in the forum point to insights management but since it's deprecated, is there any other way to Increase this date range for more than 30 days? We are working on one of the long-running projects so it's required to store data for more than a year.

  2. We have set the Data connection to use the Azure Blob storage but in the containers, there are few files with extensions (.snappy.parquet) so is there a way to directly access these data in playfab and execute the KQL queries?

  3. How to check the pricing for the long-term analytics data with more than 500 players? Is there any contact support mail available to discuss more about the pricing?

Thanks in advance!!

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1 Answer

Neils Shi avatar image
Neils Shi answered

PlayFab provides the Data Explorer feature which allows you to query events, it does not support long-term analysis of data (it stores the events up to 30 days), the maximum number of event retention days (30 days) cannot be increased currently. As you mentioned, PlayFab Insights Management has been deprecated. So, we also recommend that you may extend the event data retention through Data Connections ( ). In addition, if you have any question about bill, you can navigate to the [Contact us] page - Contact us ( to submit your request and discuss the detail with our billing team.

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evcarsolutions avatar image evcarsolutions commented ·

Can you please provide some information on how to retrieve the (.parquet) data saved in Blob storage?

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Neils Shi avatar image Neils Shi evcarsolutions commented ·

Parquet is a column-oriented data file format designed for efficient data storage and retrieval. Regarding how to retrieve parquet format data from Blob storage, since we are not experts on Blob storage, we recommend that you may ask Azure Team for further assistance.

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