
choi yeong hwan avatar image
choi yeong hwan asked

Questions about whether to maintain Economy v1

Economy v2 has been released, but v1 will be maintained rather than terminated?

Even if I create a new project, is it okay to use v1?

Is there a possibility that v1 will be discontinued in the future?

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1 Answer

Xiao Zha avatar image
Xiao Zha answered

Economy v1 are in maintenance mode and will not be receiving any new features, only bug fixes. And it will be maintained for the foreseeable future. So, although we recommend using V2 if you can, but you still can use V1 in your new project. In addition, you could refer to Economy version 2 (V2) FAQ - PlayFab | Microsoft Learn to have more information about the difference between V1 and V2.

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