
abhishek avatar image
abhishek asked

Error 404 while RedeemGooglePlayInventoryItems in testing mode

I am able to successfully test purchase from google play billing using unity IAP plugin but while verify the receipt using RedeemGooglePlayInventoryItems I am getting 404 error from marketplace. I have already app published without IAP and have integrated IAP and uploaded the bundle on internal test track to test the flow but playfab giving the below exact error while redeeming the purchase Marketplace API 'PurchasesProductsGet' in environment 'Production' returned HTTP status code '404', error code '404', and error message 'No application was found for the given package name.' for AlternateId ''.

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Xiao Zha avatar image
Xiao Zha answered

I have tested to set an incorrect package Id in Google Addon and successfully reproduce your issue. You may follow the Marketplace integration - Google - PlayFab | Microsoft Learn ( to double check the Google App Package ID. In addition, only Google App package ID and Service Account Key are required for Google Marketplace integration, the rest of the fields are optional in this case.

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abhishek avatar image abhishek commented ·

thank you @Xiao Zha for quick turn around. You are right package name had issue. It is working fine now :)

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Xiao Zha avatar image
Xiao Zha answered

There was an incident: Delayed processing for redemption APIs for Google and Apple ( ), which may be related to the issue you encountered. And it has been resolved, you may try again to see if the issue persists.

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abhishek avatar image abhishek commented ·

@Xiao Zha yes it is still happening

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Xiao Zha avatar image Xiao Zha abhishek commented ·

Since the error message says “No application was found for the given package name.”, which indicate there could be some issue with the package name, may I know if your follow the documentation: Marketplace integration - Google - PlayFab | Microsoft Learn ( to integrate a Google Play application into your title in PlayFab Game Manager and set the google app package id correctly. Also, you may refer to Redemption with the Google Marketplace - PlayFab | Microsoft Learn ( to set and redeem items.

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abhishek avatar image abhishek Xiao Zha commented ·

@Xiao Zha yes I have followed the documentation, I am attaching the screenshot of directly hitting the google api of purchases product get ( And it is working fine so it implies there is something wrong at playfab's end. I have also checked my service account's keys and license key which I have provided to playfab to verify the purchase token from google.7070-screenshot-2024-05-16-at-94032-am.png

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