
Visual Engineering AS avatar image
Visual Engineering AS asked

SMTP email verification problem

Hi, I was setup email verification rules and it was working, but suddenly user couldn't get verification email anymore.

If I check the sent_email events in the Data Explorer, it's saying "Success : true" I've already tried to reconnect google SMTP service and changed to different account.

Any ideas about it? How should I fix it? I'm attaching the part of event data

` "EventName": "sent_email", "EventNamespace": "com.playfab", "EntityType": "player", "Source": "PlayFab", "TitleId": "6E212", "EmailName": "Primary", "History": [ { "ParentEventId": "52bb8dd62438480a87a45c57a07e0f1d", "TriggeredEvents": true, "ParentTriggerId": "10198914640011748904" } ], "Language": "en", "Success": true,`

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1 Answer

Neils Shi avatar image
Neils Shi answered

Based on the information of the event “sent_email” you provided, it looks like the email was sent successfully. As mentions that Gmail can only send 2,000 emails a day. If this limit is exceeded, players may not receive emails. Does the problem still exist after you reconnected to the Google SMTP service and changed to another Gmail account?

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Visual Engineering AS avatar image Visual Engineering AS commented ·

yes, it's still exist after change to another Gmail account. And never exceeds 2,000 emails a day. Does it has problem from Google SMTP service ?

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Neils Shi avatar image Neils Shi Visual Engineering AS commented ·

In my testing, everything worked fine (I also used the Gmail SMTP server for testing). You may double check if the player used contact email is a valid email address. In addition, you can try to call the API SendEmailFromTemplate directly and check if the player can receive the email.

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