
Jerry Napoles avatar image
Jerry Napoles asked

Does RewardAdActivity show video or any ads at all?


I am using Unity.

I am trying to add admob to my playfab dashboard. I am calling PlayFabClientAPI.RewardAdActivity with all the correct info as parameters. In the editor, it rewards me properly. But when I put it on a device, no ads are showing, not even test ads from admob.

Should I still call the rewardedAd.Show from Admob and add the PlayFabClientAPI.RewardAdActivity call inside the success callback from admob sdk? If so, why do we need to provide the appid and ad unit id from admob?

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1 Answer

Xiao Zha avatar image
Xiao Zha answered

Playfab cannot control whether ads are played or not. Therefore, you have to control the ads displaying with your ad SDK (in your case, it’s the admob sdk). And after the ads SDK reports that the ad view has successfully completed, you can call Client/RewardAdActivity API to trigger the reward. In addition, the AppId and the Ad unit you set in the dashboard is for the convenience of your own reporting and management of your rewards. And since PlayFab don't have direct integration with any common ad mediation provider, there's no check being done on the AppId. So, the AppId and Ad unit can be whatever arbitrary value you like.

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