
saof20122003 avatar image
saof20122003 asked

Playfab GSDK Integration ,Unhealthy Build Unreal Engine 5.1

Hi, I'm trying to make a demo multiplayer game showcasing the features of my plugin

I followed this series of tutorial : Playfab tutorial

But my build is unhealthy and Packaging it in development configuration show me this log : Heartbeat endpoint and Server id are required configuration values.

Here's the blueprint of my game instance : BlueprintUE

I don't see anything wrong with it and some help would be appreciated :))

The issue might reside in the fact that I'm using the source build of Unreal Engine 5.1 and this GSDK may have been tested with older versions of the engine and might not be compatible with it ? But again I'm not really familiar with PlayFab

,Hi, I'm trying to make a multiplayer game showcasing the features of my plugin.

I followed these series of videos : [Tutorial Playfab][1] [1]:

But my build is unhealthy and my log tells me this : Heartbeat endpoint and Server id are required configuration values.

Here's my gameInstance Blueprint :

But I dont see anything wrong with it some help would be appreciated :))


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saof20122003 avatar image
saof20122003 answered

I followed the Huli tutorial and it worked fine so the implementation of the gsdk is better abd easier using c++ rather than blueprints

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Xiao Zha avatar image Xiao Zha commented ·

Glad to hear your issue resolved.

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Xiao Zha avatar image
Xiao Zha answered

In your BluePrint, it seems you connect the QuitGame node to the Register Server Active Delegate node, which is incorrect. You may refer to to connect the QuitGame node to Register GSDKShutDown Delegate node. In addition, we recommend referring to to learn how to use the PlayFab GSDK Unreal plugin.

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