
364321644 avatar image
364321644 asked

Web api /Info

When I modify some old code. I found It access but I doesn't found this url in old doc. Is it uber's url.

If it is which one can replace it.

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brendan avatar image
brendan answered

Can you provide specifics on where you encountered this? The endpoint is part of a code base that predates the modern version of PlayFab, and is not supported. We can help you map the functionality to our current API set, but we need to understand what it is you're trying to do, in order to do so. What is the gameplay functionality you're trying to enable?

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364321644 avatar image 364321644 commented ·

Because I have old doc,most of the time I use your API to understand the code...

Its dubug server just return a json without auth by accessing this url.

"ServiceInfo" : {
"ServiceName": "UberPy",
"Configuration": "Development",
"Version": 0,
"LobbyServer": ""}

I'm not sure this api is provide by uber. Does playfab provide a api have similar respons.

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364321644 avatar image 364321644 commented ·

It seems api return a xmpp server info.Does playfab could associated with xmpp server.

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brendan avatar image brendan 364321644 commented ·

I'm not sure what code base you're working from, but is not supported for any new titles. You'll need to move to using the current PlayFab API set (

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364321644 avatar image 364321644 brendan commented ·

Yes,I am just moving the API. But I need to understand what the old api is for.

I notice the url Is this mean old playfab provide xmpp service. Could I get some detail about the old xmpp solution, and current usage of XMPP servers.

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