
Dylan Hunt avatar image
Dylan Hunt suggested

Allow deletion of players in players dashboard (without API)

I have about 100 test accounts all type accounts all for testing my new registration form online --

I realized I had to delete them 1-by-1 via API calls .. oh man, that's a headache. I'm not going to do that.

But would I would love to see if simply a "delete player" option within the website I can click on to relieve us of my testing woes ;)

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brendan avatar image
brendan commented

We will be adding a delete user option to the Game Manager soon. We actually had it added briefly, but encountered an issue with it, so we've pulled it to fix the issue and do more testing before re-release.

However, if what you need to do is delete a bunch of test users, you can actually do that in one call. The Admin/DeleteUsers API call takes an array of PlayFab IDs.

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danctheduck avatar image
danctheduck commented

Yep, this would be great. 

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Ricardo Chavarria avatar image
Ricardo Chavarria commented


I used the Admin/DeleteUsers API call yesterday and, while it did remove Statistics, User Data, Linked Accounts and Events, purchases were still there.

I need a way to permanently disable those accounts. (Specially for testing).

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brendan avatar image
brendan commented

Correct - right now, purchase and inventory information is preserved, while all the other user elements (identifiers, authentication mechanisms, etc.) are all erased. This is to prevent issues with title revenue reporting and tracking. So the account are disabled and removed, so that you can re-use the same auth mechanisms to create new accounts. For context, what are you getting blocked on, with only the purchase records remaining?

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Ricardo Chavarria avatar image
Ricardo Chavarria commented

So by this you mean when I call Admin/DeleteUsers, the account is disabled? Even if the user uses the same `deviceID`, the old account won't be recoverable?

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brendan avatar image
brendan commented

Correct. Using the same Device ID will not sign you into the previous account, as the Device ID is no longer associated with it.

10 |1200

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total. avatar image commented

Please implement this the sooner you can. Also it would be great to have those player accounts hidden in PlayFab Dashboard in order to have it cleaned.

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brendan avatar image
brendan commented

This work is in the queue for as soon as we can, but please bear in mind that we have to prioritize things based upon the majority needs within our community, so your patience on things that have had fewer requests is appreciated.

However, one other thing to know is that the Players tab is not a realtime query of recent players - it is a list generated as players sign in, which is why players who have been deleted remain in the list. This shouldn't be an issue for any title with a non-trivial number of users though, as new players would cause the deleted accounts to scroll off the bottom of the list quickly.

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shisonghua1071 avatar image
shisonghua1071 commented

but the related leaderboard info is not cleaned, if I use GetLeaderboardAroundPlayer API, I would also get the deleted player's value.

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brendan avatar image
brendan commented

Correct - all user-specific information is removed, and any reported statistics are set to 0. We will be updating in future to provide for more complete deletion, but currently there are cross-dependencies between entries for a player.

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marcos avatar image marcos commented ·

Also waiting for a "Delete Player" button or option on the Dashboard!

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