
davidm avatar image
davidm suggested


As a Developer I wish to be able to access the VM Metrics via REST API, so that I can store snapshots of data offline so I can compare it with other snapshots.

I am conducting performance testing of a game which has the PlayFab Backend, throughout development it would be very good to be able to identify changes which have a negative effect to the server. Playfabs VM metrics are very nice - however being able to pull the data would be super useful.

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Dimitris Gkanatsios avatar image
Dimitris Gkanatsios commented

Unfortunately, there is no way to query the VM metrics via a REST API. You are encouraged to use our advanced feature VmStartupScript to send the metrics to wherever you want to.

You can see here for some samples:

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davidm avatar image davidm commented ·

Thanks Dimitris, I understand that there is no way to query the VM Metrics, hence this feature request to add this support :)

Thank you for the VMStartuoScriptGallery link, will investigate

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