
Damian Rajamanie avatar image
Damian Rajamanie asked

context.playerProfile returning null

I am trying to run a test script on all my players to give them a random stat for testing leaderboards.

I created a cloud script and attempt to use the conext.playerProfile to get the PlayerID but I get the following error when I run the task on the 'All Players' segment:

    "TaskInstanceId": "DC9E527E00184FF8-4",
    "TaskIdentifier": {
        "Name": "Add Random Stat",
        "Id": "DC9E527E00184FF8"
    "StartedAt": "2019-02-20T13:54:14.8847531",
    "CompletedAt": "2019-02-20T13:54:15.0097562",
    "Status": "Failed",
    "PercentComplete": null,
    "EstimatedSecondsRemaining": null,
    "ScheduledByUserId": "B5F874538A90EC25",
    "Result": {
        "FunctionName": "randomXPStat",
        "Revision": 49,
        "FunctionResult": null,
        "FunctionResultTooLarge": null,
        "Logs": [],
        "LogsTooLarge": null,
        "ExecutionTimeSeconds": 0.00041569999999999997,
        "ProcessorTimeSeconds": 0,
        "MemoryConsumedBytes": 29792,
        "APIRequestsIssued": 0,
        "HttpRequestsIssued": 0,
        "Error": {
            "Error": "JavascriptException",
            "Message": "JavascriptException",
            "StackTrace": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'PlayerId' of null\n    at handlers.randomXPStat (BA50-main.js:134:20)"

The message suggests that 'profile' in my script is null, here is my script (line 134 is var id = profile.PlayerId;):

handlers.randomXPStat = function (args, context){
  	var response;  
  	var profile = context.playerProfile;
    var v = Math.floor((Math.random() * 500) + 50);
  var id = profile.PlayerId;
          	"PlayFabId" : id,
          	"Statistics" : [{
              	"StatisticName" : "xp",
              	"Value" : v
      	response = {error:false, errorCode:0, message:"Successfully updated"};
    }catch (ex){
        let error = ex.apiErrorInfo.apiError.error;
        let errorCode = ex.apiErrorInfo.apiError.errorCode;
        response = {error:true, errorCode:errorCode, message:error};
    return {response: response}

I ran the randomXPStat on a single Player, using current: currentPlayerId and that updated fine, I then tried it for All Players and failed, indicating that I needed to use the context
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1 Answer

Damian Rajamanie avatar image
Damian Rajamanie answered

I have figured this out, I believe I had chosen Run Cloud Script function once, and chose my script, I did some of context and everything was null.

Changing it to Run actions on each player in segment passed.

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