
Ákos Meiszter avatar image
Ákos Meiszter asked

Unreal 5.3.2 Server Deployment Pending

Hey all, so whenever I try to spin up a server after updating to unreal 5.3.2 I get this log from Playfab Agent and then it just keeps on PendingHeartbeat.

Whenever I checked the logs on a healthy server deployment, I newer seen that it would try to create a user? at this stage? Can anyone explain to me what this is and if this can be related to the unhealthy state? Also, is there any new dll requirement or Project Setting that needs to be toggled with 5.3.2?

Bit lost now with this as I only went from 5.2.1 -> 5.3.2 so I think it might be a dll that I am missing or something, not sure at this point.

Tested with the LocalMultiplayerAgent (not in container mode) also, and the server goes through the Standy->Active->Terminate steps Thanks a lot. I attached logs from the remote machine.


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Ákos Meiszter avatar image
Ákos Meiszter answered

Hey all, Just a quick update, my issue got resolved after I updated the engine to 5.4.1 version. Still not sure what caused it, but now my servers are deploying correctly.

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Neils Shi avatar image
Neils Shi answered

If you want to check if the necessary DLLs are missing, you can refer to for more info, and simply upgrading Unreal from 5.2 to 5.3 should not require adding additional DLLs. The created user has nothing to do with deploying unhealthy state, it is legit RDP user. Since the VmAgent logs won't reveal what's wrong, you may provide us with your game server output via UE_LOG calls so that we can do some research.

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