
jasfiqrahman15 avatar image
jasfiqrahman15 asked

[URGENT] Cannot Connect to Server Randomly

I was using playfab for my college assignment. Everything was working fine leading upto the submission. Then today, after two weeks, I tried playing my game, and it doesnt work... I am adding the log for reference.

[2024.05.22-18.16.09:064][258]LogPlayFabGSDKGameInstance: Warning: Account Info Success!

[2024.05.22-18.16.09:761][344]LogPlayFabGSDKGameInstance: Warning: Matchmaking Ticket Requested!

[2024.05.22-18.16.10:015][377]LogPlayFabGSDKGameInstance: Warning: Matchmaking Ticket Created!

[2024.05.22-18.16.10:023][378]LogPlayFabGSDKGameInstance: Warning: Getting Matchmaking Ticket!

[2024.05.22-18.16.22:016][830]LogPlayFabGSDKGameInstance: Warning: Getting Matchmaking Ticket!

[2024.05.22-18.16.34:020][283]LogPlayFabGSDKGameInstance: Warning: Getting Matchmaking Ticket!

[2024.05.22-18.16.46:022][749]LogPlayFabGSDKGameInstance: Warning: Getting Matchmaking Ticket!

[2024.05.22-18.16.46:258][779]LogPlayFabGSDKGameInstance: Warning: Got Matchmaking Ticket!

[2024.05.22-18.16.46:494][809]LogPlayFabGSDKGameInstance: Warning: Matchmaking Player: 16686B50DD12A0F8, Team: blue

[2024.05.22-18.16.46:494][809]LogPlayFabGSDKGameInstance: Warning: Got Match!

[2024.05.22-18.16.46:494][809]LogNet: Browse:

[2024.05.22-18.16.46:494][809]LogInit: WinSock: Socket queue. Rx: 32768 (config 32768) Tx: 32768 (config 32768)

[2024.05.22-18.16.46:494][809]LogNet: Created socket for bind address:

[2024.05.22-18.16.46:494][809]LogNet: IpConnection_2147482436 setting maximum channels to: 32767

[2024.05.22-18.16.46:494][809]PacketHandlerLog: Loaded PacketHandler component: Engine.EngineHandlerComponentFactory (StatelessConnectHandlerComponent)

[2024.05.22-18.16.46:501][809]LogHandshake: Stateless Handshake: NetDriverDefinition 'GameNetDriver' CachedClientID: 1

[2024.05.22-18.16.46:501][809]LogNet: Game client on port 30000, rate 100000

[2024.05.22-18.16.46:501][809]LogNetVersion: LetEmCook, NetCL: 0, EngineNetworkVersion: 32, GameNetworkVersion: 0 (Checksum: 1205665954)

[2024.05.22-18.16.47:611][939]LogHandshake: Cached server SessionID: 0

[2024.05.22-18.16.47:611][939]LogHandshake: SendChallengeResponse. Timestamp: 155.179615, Cookie: 097225215087141119102082064062082118238038189033170235252172

[2024.05.22-18.16.47:706][951]LogNet: UPendingNetGame::SendInitialJoin: Sending hello. [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr: 52.249.193

I checked the logs of the previous versions and it used to say the following after the previous logs, but now it just does not. I've tried redeploying different versions of the build to see if something happened on my end, but none of them work anymore.

[2024.05.10-02.50.29:426][230]LogNet: Welcomed by server (Level: /Game/_Game/Maps/CharacterSelection_Level, Game: /Game/_Game/Blueprints/GameModes/BP_CharacterSelectionGameMode.BP_CharacterSelectionGameMode_C)

[2024.05.10-02.50.29:426][230]LogLoad: LoadMap:

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1 Answer

Xiao Zha avatar image
Xiao Zha answered

May I know if the log you provide is the server log? If not, please provide us with the server logs so that we can do better research. And, if your server is deployed on PlayFab Multiplayer Servers (MPS), you can refer to Archiving and retrieving multiplayer server logs - PlayFab | Microsoft Learn ( to check the archived server logs.

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