
davor avatar image
davor asked

UE4.27 plus with PlayFab OSS, how to detect lobby was full?


Just got certification denied and one of the errors stated was that we don't give informative enough message when player fails to connect to a lobby because it was already full.

We tried to find a way to detect that speciffic situation has happened in the OSS, but we seem to get only a generic error code back.

I wanted to check, what is a propper way to detect lobby join attempt failed because server responded that it was already full?

Regards! Davor

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1 Answer

Neils Shi avatar image
Neils Shi answered

PlayFab OSS compliments the base OSS by adding support for PlayFab Lobby, Matchmaking, Party networking and Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP). Thus, while using PF OSS, you will need to use the IOnlineSession interface provided by Epic, which is different from the APIs used in PlayFab Multiplayer C/C++ SDK. For more info, you can refer to Session Interface | Unreal Engine 4.27 Documentation ( . Regarding how to detect join failure due to the session has been full, we suggest you may ask EPIC Team for further assistance. And here is an epic forum thread which might help you : Best practice for waiting until a session is full before joining it? - Programming & Scripting / C++ - Epic Developer Community Forums ( .

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