
elephrates avatar image
elephrates asked

RefreshIAPItems Not working on Mobile

This function below is working in Unity Editor but on mobile it doesnt and gets errors:

Error starts with: Error Unity SerializationException: Unable to find type: 'Unity.VisualScripting.Unit'. Error Unity at AndroidIAPExample.RefreshIAPItems () [0x00000] in :0

The fucntions called on a button click and after login

Forum doesnt like puting code in messages:

       public async void RefreshIAPItems()
             GooglePlayCatalog = new Dictionary<string, PlayFab.EconomyModels.CatalogItem>();
             SearchItemsRequest playCatalogRequest = new()
                 Count = 50,
                 Filter = "Platforms/any(platform: platform eq 'GooglePlay')"
             SearchItemsResponse playCatalogResponse;
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1 Answer

Neils Shi avatar image
Neils Shi answered

According to the RefreshIAPItems function you provided, it calls the SearchItem API to filter and obtain the Items from the Google Play platform. Since this function works fine in Unity editor mode but fails on mobile devices, and it looks like the Unity SerializationException error (unable to find type: 'Unity.VisualScripting.Unit') has nothing to do with PlayFab, we recommend that you may ask Unity Team for further assistance.

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