
Benjamin Ikes avatar image
Benjamin Ikes asked

Clients wont connect to Playfab server

Hey guys,

So I have the problem that my clients wont connect to the server! They get all the server data like the port, ip from the matchmaking. Also dhe GUI of mirror shows me that they both got the correct data also my playfab server gets activated.

I dont get any error message but they just wont join. I manually have to click on the mirror GUI to connect them as a client and after a few seconds they just get kicked without any error or warning.

I am very confused on why this happens and it probably is a noob mistake and I missed something so I am more then happy for any help and learn from it!

Thank you in advance! :D

unity3dCustom Game ServersmultiplayerdataMatchmaking
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Benjamin Ikes avatar image Benjamin Ikes commented ·

If any more info is needed I am happy to share

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1 Answer

Gosen Gao avatar image
Gosen Gao answered
Since different servers have different connection methods, it does not automatically connect to the server after getting the IP and port information from GetMatchResult. You need to implement your own client code based on your server code to connect to your server. For your scenario, you can call the Mirror's connection method in the callback function of GetMatch.

As for the issue that player being kicked out after connecting, it should be related to the server build. You can follow Locally debugging game servers and integration with PlayFab or Connect directly to debug game servers to debug your game server to determine the issue.

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Benjamin Ikes avatar image Benjamin Ikes commented ·

Thank you, I already use the GetMatch function but it doesnt seem to be working! But i will def try the debug!

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Gosen Gao avatar image Gosen Gao Benjamin Ikes commented ·

To be clear, the API GetMatch is not used to connect the server, it is used to get the match info which contains the server details. Then you can use the server details to create your own function to connect to the server.

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